Official Development Assistance in Hungary: preliminary findings on trade regimes, the private sector and civil society

October 11, 2012

Preliminary findings on ODA in Hungary are now available for download.

In January 2012 the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) together with eight other partners started a project supported by the European Commission entitled “Update of the current status of implementation of international/bilateral trade regimes with ODA recipients and the current role of civil society and private sectors as development actors in the new EU Member states.”

In the current research phase of the project, scholars in all partner countries are conducting qualitative policy analyses on three topics: international trade regimes, civil society and the private sector. The research methods include desk reviews, focus groups and individual interviews. Overall, the research phase will conclude in the nine partner countries with 9 policy analysis, 18 policy briefs, 27 focus groups and 40 individual interviews.

Our researchers at CPS were engaged in desk reviews and their preliminary findings on Hungary are now available for download under the project description as well as here.

Surveys, interviews and focus group will follow shortly. For related news and future updates please follow the project website.

The Role Of Trade Relations With Priority ODA Recipients To Implement MDG8a (Download).
Preliminary findings by Marton Leiszen.

The Hungarian Non-governmental Development Organization (NGDO) sector  (Download).
Preliminary findings by Anna Selmeczi.

The Role of the Hungarian Private Sector in Development Assistance (Download).
Preliminary findings by Attila Bartha.


