Social inclusion of youth on the margins of society

November 14, 2012

Lessons learned from the EDUMIGROM research program as well as other research projects targeting youth have contributed to the formulations in the "Social inclusion of youth on the margins of society", a policy review published by the European Commission in 2012.

The aim of the present policy review is to focus on the situation of some specific youth groups in the European youth policy context, such as the homeless or those at risk of homelessness, migrant and ethnic minority youth and young people with public care backgrounds. More specifically, the objectives of the review are:

- to provide an overview of the reasons for their precarious situations and to formulate the policy issues;

- to explore the policy challenges needed to produce greater social inclusion through more opportunities and better access to education and the labor market within the framework of solidarity between these young people and the wider society;

- to highlight policy implications for cross-border policy transfer;

- to contribute to research-based recommendations.

This review is based on the findings of five separate but complementary and interrelated research projects on excluded youth (launched in 2008 and concluded in 2010-11 under the ‘Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities’ program of the EU seventh framework program for research):

- YIPPEE: ‘Young people from a public care background: Pathways to education in Europe’

- CSEYHP: ‘Combating social exclusion among young homeless populations: A comparative investigation of homeless paths among local white, local ethnic groups and migrant young men and women, and appropriate reinsertion methods’

- EDUMIGROM: ‘Ethnic differences in education and diverging prospects for urban youth in an enlarged Europe’

- EUMARGINS: ‘On the margins of the European Community — Young adult immigrants in seven European countries’

- YOUNEX: ‘Youth, unemployment, and exclusion in Europe: A multidimensional approach to understanding the conditions and prospects for social and political integration of young unemployed’

Social inclusion of youth on the margins of society (Download)