CPS researchers present their findings at the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency workshop

March 5, 2013

The workshop entitled "2nd Technology-Export Roundtable" took place on March 5, 2013 between 13:00 - 15:00 in Hungarian language. The event was hosted by the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA),  Main Conference Room, 1055 Budapest, Honvéd utca 50. Participants included private sector actors and government agencies interested in international development projects.

Marton Leiszen offered a brief overview about international development and the major ODA activites of Hungary. He also presented some particular ODA projects in the Western Balkan, Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia and Africa where Hungarian private sector representatives were active.

Attila Bartha discussed the main findings of the research and analyzed the gap between the motivation and the potential of Hungarian private sector actors to participate in international development projects. In order to cope with the problems of technological, financing and human resource capacities, he presented the major recommendations coming from the research: the need for clusterization and association-building among the otherwise small and atomized small companies, the specific database building and the up-to-date management of it as well as the stronger cooperation with the non-governmental development organisation (NGDO) sector.

The presentation of the CPS researchers was preceded by the presentation of Mr. Csaba Csáki (a leading Hungarian academic and policy researcher in agricultural development policy) about the World Bank development policy strategy and it was followed by a more technical overview of international development policy tools presented by leading representatives of the HITA and EXIM.  The workshop ended with a Q&A session which encouraged the audience and the researchers to address, on the one hand, the challenges of international development policy of Hungary, and on the other hand, to evaluate the applied measures to increase the potential of Hungarian private sector to participate actively in international development. 


Power Point Presentation (Download)
