Not for Sale - Joining Forces Against Trafficking in Human Beings

February 21, 2014

CPS research fellow Kiril Sharapov participated in the "Not for Sale - Joining Forces Against Trafficking in Human Beings", an OSCE/Council of Europe conference organized on Feb 17-18 in Vienna, Austria.

The Council of Europe (GRETA monitoring mechanism) has evaluated the anti-trafficking action of almost 30 European countries.The aim of this joint OSCE/Council of Europe conference was to take stock of the progress made so far and to discuss the challenges in the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Human Trafficking. The conference also provided an opportunity for an exchange of practices and tools developed on the basis of the OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings and on how legally binding standards, monitoring mechanisms and political strategies can mutually reinforce each other and lead to effective action to counter trafficking in human beings.

Conference program (Download)
