Think Tank Young Professional Development Program

June 18, 2014

The Think Tank Fund announces the Think Tank Young Professional Development Program for MA and PhD graduates who graduated with a PhD, LLM or MA degree in the social sciences and humanities from high - quality universities in the OECD countries in the past three years.

Human capital is the biggest asset of each and every think tank. In securing reliable and high-quality researchers, think tanks compete with much more powerful competitors, i.e. governments, state agencies, private companies, banks, and consulting companies. The region's think tanks, therefore, have to devise special motivation strategies to retain existing staff and attract new talented individuals to opt for this career. Despite being present in the public life, think tanks constitute a small part of civil society and are often not the first choice to fresh graduates who are interested in embarking on research/policy careers.

The Think Tank Young Professional Development Program intends to attract recent graduates of MA and PhD programs in the social sciences and humanities to selected think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, giving them an opportunity to gain first-hand policy research and advocacy experience at a renowned think tank in the region. The program is designed to benefit both young returning professionals and their host organizations. It enables participating think tanks to recruit young researchers originally from the region who recently graduated from universities in the OECD countries. Individual programs at hosting organizations will last up to 6 months and may start from November 2014.

Deadline for submission: August 4, 2014

To see the full text of the call and the list of available positions, please go to

Inquiries and application submissions should be sent to

Call for application (Download)
