Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the ChangingEmployment Initial Training Network

July 21, 2014

The Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg is searching for an Experienced Researcher to be employed for 21 months to undertake a programme of research within Theme 3: Employee Wellbeing and Work Life Quality.

The person appointed will carry out research on the specific project title "Work-life quality and the flexicurity of employment in multinational companies: a comparative company-based approach in Europe".

The main objectives of this post are:

  • To take co-responsibility for the project management of Theme 3, and co-supervision of ESRs;
  • To liaise with the CE coordinator on the coordination of the three themes including occasional visits to the CE coordinator Professor Paul Stewart at Strathclyde.
  • To collect information for a cross-country overview of how flexicurity arrangements, especially for agency workers relate to national contexts;
  • To assist in the management and maintenance of the ChangingEmployment website;
  • To assist in organisation of Annual Colloquia in Strathclyde and Brussels;
  • To edited a book on flexicurity arrangements, especially for agency workers relate to national contexts;
  • To submit article on flexicurity arrangements (in e.g. Work, Employment and Society);
  • To supervise two student examination papers;
  • To participate in seminars at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg;
  • To assist professors at the department of Sociology and Work Science, Gothenburg University to organise and complete research proposals.

Closing date for applications is 1 September 2014 with a start of 1 January 2015.

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