Challenges Ahead: Integration of Migrants on the European Labour Market

December 1, 2014

The second CDCDI (Centru de Cercetare si Documentare in Domeniul Integrarii Imigrantilor) International Conference will be held in Bucharest between 12-13 March 2015.

In the last decades European states developed increasingly selective admission policies for migrants. Thus the migrants' education, skills and networks became salient factors for the successful movement to a destination country. The "human capital" finds relatively easy a place on the contemporary segmented labour markets. Highly skilled migrants have to compete with native workers for jobs associated with a higher social status, which raises the question whether or not the odds of obtaining that job are fair. Furthermore, what happens with the unskilled workers? How do they respond to the labour market needs and demands? How do they prevision their future in the receiving country? Do migration and mobility within the EU balance out, and what are the prospects of both mobile EU citizens and migrants in the receiving countries? These are just a few questions that the second edition of this conference would like to raise during the debates.

Papers from a variety of disciplines (anthropology, social sciences, psychology, history etc.) and sources (academia, public institutions, civil society organisations, independent researchers, practitioners etc.) that fall within the sections listed below are welcome. The list provides the main themes for panel discussions, but the submissions should not necessarily be limited to them.

  • The non-state actors' involvement in immigrants' economic integration
  • Inequalities and discrimination in employment: effects on immigrants' integration
  • Measuring migrants' access on the European labour market: policies, practices and indicators
  • Linking educational achievement and professional integration of migrants in the European space
  • EU mobility challenges for the national labour system
  • Public discourse and its impact on immigrants' integration
  • Who are the European immigrants?
  • Impact of migration in the country of origin and destination
  • Comparative views on the transposition of EU legislation and its impact on the rights of migrants

How to apply?

300 word abstracts should be sent to by 15th January 2015. Please include the title, name of the authors, affiliation and e-mail addresses. The abstracts will be double blind peer reviewed. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified by 30th January 2015. Please note that in this case the deadline for submitting the full paper is 5th March 2015.

Call for application (Download)
