CPS Research Fellow re-elected as board member and chairman of PASOS

January 7, 2015

At the recent 10th anniversary meeting in Warsaw, delegates at the annual PASOS Assembly voted to re-elect CPS Research Fellow, Andrew Cartwright as a member of the Board.

The position is for another two years and fellow Board members also re-elected him as Chairman for 2015.

PASOS is a regional platform of independent policy centers from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Through joint projects, capacity building and peer to peer learning, PASOS supports high-quality policy analysis that bridges EU-based policymaking communities and the countries of South-East Europe, Turkey, the EU's eastern neighbourhood, and Central Asia. Its members combine a 'forward-looking Euro-Atlantic perspective with a strong focus on democracy, human rights, and economic development'. In sometimes difficult environments 'PASOS actively supports efforts to promote freer societies governed by the rule of law'.

To learn more about the network, visit www.pasos.org.