Religion and the Political Participation and Mobilization of Immigrant Groups: a Transtlantic Perspective

January 9, 2015

The Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Liège is pleased to announce the 3rd INTEGRIM scientific thematic workshop organized by the working group Citizenship and Political Participation.

The scientific thematic workshop will examine the political participation of immigrants in an original perspective. Instead of analyzing it through an exclusive ethnic and racial origin lens, we will focus on the role of religion in the political participation and mobilization of immigrant groups in a transatlantic perspective (Europe-North America). The leading question, of the workshop is: what role does religion play in the political participation and mobilization of immigrant groups in European and North American cities? We don't want to focus on Muslims but consider Catholics, Protestants, and religions as well as non-religious faith such as secularism.

The intention is to prepare a special issue of a journal including a selection of the papers presented at the workshop. Those interested are asked to send a one-page presentation of their paper to Marco Martiniello ( by 8 February 2015.

The papers should cover in priority one of the following topics possibly in a comparative perspective. However, other topics proposed by the applicants will also be considered.

The topics:

  • Electoral behavior of Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc. citizens with an immigrant background
  • Political mobilization through churches, mosques and religious associations
  • Immigrants and organized secularism
  • Music, religion and political mobilization of second and third generations
  • Immigrants and anti-religious discrimination
  • Trans-religious alliances among immigrants

Call for papers (Download)
