Call for Expression of Interest for civil society organizations to take part in the Roma Placement Program

January 26, 2015

The Central European University (CEU) launches a Roma Placement Program to help build professional skills of young Roma intellectuals as well as to promote their engagement in public affairs. To this end, CEU calls for Expressions of Interest by civil society organizations from Macedonia and Serbia to put themselves forward as candidates for employing young Roma professionals.

Organizations active in various fields of public affairs, including but not limited to democracy development, human rights, environmental affairs, women’s and children’s rights, human trafficking, etc., are welcome to express their interest in taking part in this Roma Placement Program. Potential hosts are not required to have previous engagement in Roma-related issues but should be committed to equality mainstreaming.

Eligibility Criteria:

1) Write a letter of interest to host and mentor a Roma fellow. The letter should elaborate on topics where the organization has significant expertise and potential fields of mainstream (non-Roma issue specific) activities where the fellow could contribute. Reflect on the areas of staff management where the organization might need the support and mentoring of CEU. Introduce senior staff member(s) who will be able to mentor the fellows and engage the organization in practices of mainstreaming equality and workplace diversity.

2) Submit the CV of potential mentors.

3) Provide a brief (2-3 page) profile of the organization about their work history, specific focus and areas of expertise, major current initiatives, staffing and organizational structure. Outline specific requirements that the right candidates need to possess, such as field of education, specific methodological skills, etc.

4) Indicate the monthly gross salary (plus all mandatory employer’s contributions) that the interested organization usually pays to its junior professional staff.


Application deadline: February 15, 2015

More information: ENGLISH

