International Scientific Workshop: Migrant Labour Market Integration

March 18, 2015

The one day workshop is organized under the auspices of the Integrim Network and willl be held at the University of Sussex in Brighton on June 18th, 2015.

The ways in which migrants become involved in labour markets of destination countries and regions has been a consistent focus of academic enquiry since at least the 1970s. The resulting literature has focused on two related questions: how should migrants' integration into labour markets be measured and what are the main determinants of that integration.

Both questions highlight the complex, dynamic relationship between labour markets and migration. They relate to broader theoretical concerns such as dual labour markets, social capital and segmented assimilation. They also highlight the often contradictory impulses driving migration policy, where labour market dynamics are a significant motivation for greater openness in migration policy, but also a key area of policing in enforcing migration restrictions. The turn to a wider range of migrant groups in approaches to labour markets, such as refugees or temporary, undocumented, intra-European, or return migrants, brings new empirical focus to these questions. As Europe emerges from economic crisis, this workshop seeks to review the long history of labour market integration and examine recent research on these issues.

The organizers are particularly keen to receive abstracts presenting new empirical research, applied policy work and comprehensive reviews of the long development of approaches to the labour market integration of migrants.

If you are interested in presenting your research please send an abstract of no more than 250 words to Jill Ahrens ( before Monday April 27th. Selected presenters will be offered limited travel support and accommodation for the nights of 17th and 19th June

Call for paper (Download)
