A Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005‐2015: Critical perspectives on education research, initiatives and interventions

April 20, 2015

The journal European Education: Issues and Studies calls for papers to be published in the special issue on the Decade of Roma Inclusion.

This special issue attempts to look at the last ten years of Roma inclusion in the field of education. It welcomes papers that critically look at education research, initiatives and interventions. Researchers who intend to publish in this special issue might for example:

  • analyze the tremendous amount of scientific research that has been published in the last ten years;
  • scrutinize large-scale applied research / intervention projects (e.g. INCLUD-­‐ED, EduMigRom, EduRom, RomaMatrix, QUALIROM and others) that have been implemented over the last ten years;or
  • examine educational activities/projects/political initiatives related to or facilitated through the Decade of Roma Inclusion.

Interested researchers might also investigate unintended effects of international education policy, question how international education initiatives have been ignored, re-framed or even misused at the local level and/or compare different contextualizations of education research, initiatives and interventions. Studies that try to understand underlying and possibly conflicting understandings of social justice, equality of opportunity and/or affirmative action are also welcome.

Each paper should contextualize the field of inquiry with a look back covering part or all of the period 2005–2015. We kindly ask those who do not speak English as a family language to have their paper edited for language prior to submission if necessary.

Expressions of interest should be sent to christian.brueggemann@hu-­berlin.de by 1st of May 2015 in the form of an outline of about 1.000-1.200 words (objectives, theoretical framework, modes of inquiry, data sources).

Selected full papers should be submitted by 1st of October 2015. Submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer review and selected on the basis of academic merit (clarity, coherence, relevance, rigor, appropriateness of theoretical/conceptual literature and methodological grounding).

Call for papers (Download)
