CEU/HESP Faculty Development Fellowship 2018-19

May 2, 2018

Central European University invites applications for its Faculty Development Fellowship program for the Winter and Spring terms of the academic year 2018-19.

The Visiting Fellowship Program supports collaborations and linkages between CEU departments and research centers and individual scholars and academic centers at partner universities that stimulate research and curriculum innovation across a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities focusing on the following subjects and themes:

  1. Inequalities and social justice,
  2. Democratic governance,
  3. Inclusive and evidence-based policy-making,
  4. Migration and refugees,
  5. Climate change mitigation and adaptation,
  6. Higher education in open society (with emphasis on innovative projects that address the following sub-themes: higher education policy and governance, academic freedom, teaching and learning, student engagement, and educational technologies).

The Fellowship is offered to academics employed in full-time teaching positions in one of the eligible institutions who wish to spend one term (3 months) at CEU conducting research and undertaking training that will help them enhance their teaching or otherwise contribute to the home departments’ curricula and/or advance towards a doctoral degree. Eligible institutions are: American University of Central Asia (AUCA, Kyrgyzstan); Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences (Palestine); American University in Bulgaria (AUBG); Asian University for Women (AUW, Bangladesh), and University of Yangon and University of Mandalay (Myanmar). Depending on their academic needs and interests, applicants can choose between two Fellowship tracks: course development or research development. Fellows can be hosted by any CEU department, school or research center, provided their subject interest is represented by one of the six priority thematic areas above. Fellowship award covers travel costs to/from Budapest, accommodations at the CEU residence center and a stipend of 3,500 USD for the entire duration of the Fellowship.


  • Eligible institutions are: American University-Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan); Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences (Palestine); American University in Bulgaria (AUBG); Asian University for Women (AUW) (Bangladesh), and Universities of Yangon and Mandalay in Myanmar;
  • Eligible applicants should be employed in full-time teaching positions in an eligible institution at the time of application;
  • Eligible applicants should attach a copy of their highest degree obtained;
  • Please note: those who are or who intend to be involved in projects, research, teaching, or other activities sponsored or co-sponsored by Open Society Foundations during the period of the Fellowship are not eligible to participate in the program;
  • Applications not meeting eligibility requirements will not be considered.

Program requirements

  • Fellows are required to be in residence at CEU for the entire duration of their Fellowship;
  • Fellows will provide a mid-term narrative report, and a final narrative report;
  • Course Development Fellows will provide revised or new curricula three months after the completion of their Fellowship;
  • Research Development Fellows will provide a draft research article within six months after the completion of their Fellowship.

Application deadline: May 10, 2018

The selection of CEU Visiting Fellows is competitive and merit-based and involves an assessment of the relevance of the proposed research or curriculum development project to the academic capacity at the proposed CEU host unit, as well as the unit’s ability to dedicate the necessary time and resources to facilitate the Fellow’s residency at CEU in the proposed period. 

The Visiting Fellowship Program is supported by the Higher Education Support Program (HESP) of the Open Society Foundations and administered by the CEU Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education.

More information including the application procedure is available at https://www.ceu.edu/facultydevelopmentfellowship.
