CEU CPS joins Post-2020 European Roma Coalition

April 15, 2020

The CEU Center for Policy Studies joins an emerging Post-2020 European Roma Coalition aimed at advocating for effective EU Roma inclusion and equality policy. The coalition was established by a group of Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations on 17 February 2020, on the occasion of the European Commission’s publication of a roadmap setting out the EU post 2020 Roma policy. The aim of the Coalition is to achieve substantive equality, participation and social justice of Roma in all spheres of life by combating antigypsyism, strengthening Roma and pro-Roma civil society and by fostering principles of good governance into the Roma policies at the EU and national levels, political will and institutional accountability. Reflections by the European Roma Grassroots Organizations (ERGO): http://ergonetwork.org/2020/04/post-2020-european-roma-coalition/

