Managing for Integrity: Strategies and Approaches

Open to the Public
Monday, June 29, 2009 - 9:00am
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Monday, June 29, 2009 - 9:00am to Wednesday, July 8, 2009 - 6:00pm

The CPS hosted the 5th annual summer course as a joint initiative of Tiri - Making Integrity Work, London, the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest, and the CEU Summer University.

The course took an inter-disciplinary approach to raising integrity standards in public and private institutions. Resilient and sustainable approaches to reform and protecting programs were emerging in a wide variety of countries and institutions. NGOs, public agencies, and even business had a great deal to learn from innovations generated both within their sectors – as well as from others sectors. There was a growing recognition among leading policy practitioners that the cutting edge of sustainable reform lay at least in part in the interaction between different stakeholders. This course was one of the rare efforts to take a multi-stakeholder approach to short and medium-term reform.

The course consisted of Plenary Sessions in the morning that were centered on cases and experiences in solving specific problems in particular agencies and settings. In the afternoons the class was divided into Policy Labs, smaller working groups addressing two dimensions of integrity change: evidence as a management tool and transforming values to practice.

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