The institutional design of decision-making processes in health care priority setting
CEU – CORVINUS Joint Health Policy Seminar Series
The CEU Health Research Group, the CEU Center for Policy Studies and
the Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University
invite you to a presentation
The institutional design of decision-making processes
in health care priority setting
Prof. Dr. Katharina Bohm
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Every year, thousands of new medicines and other new treatments enter the health care market. Public health care systems cannot finance them all. Most OECD-countries have for this reason established specialized bodies that take decisions about which technologies to include into the public benefit package and which not. The institutional design of these bodies varies considerably. I will present a framework that seeks to grasp the empirical variety and complexity of these decision-making processes and bodies. Next to giving some examples, I will discuss the motives of governments to delegate these decisions to non-majoritarian bodies and consider the distributive effects different institutional design choices may have.
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