Book launch: The Gender Politics of Domestic Violence. Feminists engaging the state in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Launch
Open to the Public
Oktober 6 u. 7
Friday, April 13, 2018 - 12:30pm
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Friday, April 13, 2018 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Book launch

The Gender Politics of Domestic Violence.
Feminists engaging the state in Central and Eastern Europe

By Andrea Krizsan (Center for Policy Studies, CEU) and
Conny Roggeband (University of Amsterdam)

Remarks by

Elissa Helms
(Associate Professor, Department of Gender Studies, CEU)

Rosa Logar
(Executive Director of the Domestic Abuse Intervention Program Vienna, founding member Women Against Violence Europe – WAVE)

Judit Wirth
(Policy Analyst, Trainer and Legal Consultant, NANE Women's Rights Association)

 What are the factors that shape domestic violence policy change and how are variable gendered meanings produced in these policies? How and when can feminists influence policy making? What conditions lead to progressive change and which ones block it or lead to reversal? This book analyzes gender equality sensitive domestic violence policy change in five countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Tracing developments from the beginning of 2000s, when domestic violence first emerged on policy agendas, until 2015, the volume looks into the contestation that takes place between women’s movements, states and actors opposing gender equality to explain differences in domestic violence policies across the region. The volume:, Routledge, December 2017.

Andrea Krizsan is Research Fellow at the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest. Her research focuses on the comparative politics of gender inequality and violence against women and intersectionality in Central and Eastern Europe.

Conny Roggeband lectures at the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests include gender mainstreaming and equality policies, gender-based violence, social movements and transnational feminist networking.

Poster (Download)