Discrimination and Anti-discrimination Strategies

CEU Community + Invited Guests
Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 10:00am
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Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 10:00am to 3:30pm

This workshop forms the meeting of different approaches to the object of discrimination and anti-discrimination: on the one hand the studies of policies and social norms of prejudice, stereotypes, nationalism, race, gender etc. and on the other hand the studies of legal rules that aim to remedy these social norms as anti-discrimination strategies.  By bringing together CEU scholars who are experts in either of these two dimensions of the study of discrimination, the aim is to open a discussion of the underlying structures of discrimination as a social and political practice and the effectiveness of the legal instruments in domestic and international law. The overall inquiry of the workshop is what the added value and learning output is from combining different disciplines’ approach to discrimination and structural disadvantage and the aim is to foster a shared state-of-the-art of research into discrimination as a social and legal object of inquiry. Researchers from CEU’s School of Public Policy, Department of Legal studies, Department of Gender studies, Center for Policy Studies, Nationalism Studies Program and Institute for Advanced Study present their work, all from different perspectives and with different case studies followed by a discussion. 


10:00-10:15      Opening remarks

10:15-12:15      Session 1: Policies and Social Norms of Discrimination

Dr. Stefan Bargheer, IAS CEU

World War II Propaganda and the Birth of Ethnic Stereotypes out of the Spirit of Racial Anti-Discrimination

Prof. Dr. Violetta Zentai, Center for Policy Studies and Department of Sociology, CEU

Anti-discrimination and social equality policies – serving or contesting the European neo/liberal regimes in the last two decades

Prof. Dr. Kinga Goncz, Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, CEU

Psychological aspects of discrimination and anti-discrimination strategies

Discussant: Dr. Matthias Duller, IAS CEU Botstiber fellow

12:15 - 13:15     Lunch break

13:15 - 15:15    Session 2: Anti-discrimination strategies

Prof. Dr. Mathias Moschel, Department of Legal Studies, CEU

The Master’s Tools Will Never Bring Down the Master’s House, or Will They?

Prof. Dr. Luca Varadi, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU

When Prejudice is Normal – can intervention be successful?

Dr. Amalie Frese, IAS CEU

Economic inequality as a prohibited ground of discrimination?

Discusant: Dr. Armen Mazmanyan, IAS CEU

The event is open but please register here.

The event is organized by the CEU Institute for Advanced Study.