Call for Applications: Socio-ecological transition: Employment, education and welfare

April 12, 2012
The Slovak Governance Institute (SGI) invites graduate students, early-stage researchers and young faculty to apply to participate in the NEUJOBS Peer-review and Validation Conference "Socio-ecological transition: Employment, education and welfare".

The conference will take place in Bratislava between 26-29 September 2012 and is organized as part of the peer-review and validation process of the NEUJOBS research project financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme.
The objective of NEUJOBS is to analyse future possible developments of the European labour markets under the main assumption that European societies are now facing or preparing to face main transitions that will have a major impact on employment, in particular for some groups in the labour force or sectors of the economy. The NEUJOBS project consists of 29 partner institutes and universities chosen among top research centres in Europe and is coordinated by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels, a leading think tank operating in the European Union today.
The conference aims to bring together key NEUJOBS researchers and policy-making experts who will be presenting their research findings, and graduate students who share research interests in the areas of labour markets, employment, welfare states, education and skill formation systems, and economic and social policy (for full review of research topics please consult the NEUJOBS website). While the participants will not be required to present their work, participation in the conference will allow them to access cutting edge research in these areas. They are also encouraged to arrange individual consultations with the NEUJOBS participants to get feedback on their own work. Full program of the conference will be available closer to date.
Application deadline: June 15, 2012

Call for application (Download)
