The ACCEPT PLURALISM project created the Tolerance Indicators Toolkit

April 20, 2013

The ACCEPT PLURALISM project created a tool for assessing the levels of intolerance, tolerance and/or acceptance of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity in European societies. On the basis of the findings from the national case studies and the comparison among them, a set of qualitative tolerance indicators have been developed that seek to translate into assessment of Low / Medium / High the presence or absence of specific features in a country’s policies, practices and discourses.

The Indicators offer relative measures (low / medium / high) that form the basis for a comparative account of tolerance, non-tolerance and acceptance across Europe. The assessment is focused, qualitative and contextually informed and includes not only policy and legislative frameworks but also to the extent possible, social practices which may go beyond policy arrangements and legal rules. They are a tool for assessing whether European societies are becoming more or less tolerant in the last decade. The use of these indicators can provide a snapshot picture, a synchronic evaluation of where each society is positioned on an intolerance / tolerance / acceptance scale. But they can also be used in the future to assess whether a given society is becoming more or less tolerant. Alternatively, they can be applied to assess the same country in the past and consider how it has developed in recent years.

The Indicators, in line with the in depth study of cultural diversity challenges in the 15 countries surveyed by the ACCEPT PLURALISM project, cover two main areas of public life that are of paramount importance for shaping social quality in a society: school life and politics.

Tolerance Indicators Toolkit presenting the full set of Tolerance Indicators, their complementarity with other sets of indicators and guidelines on how to use them (Download)

Roma School Segregation Indicators edited by Jon Fox and Zsuzsanna Vidra (Download)

More information on the Comparative Assessment Reports applying a Cluster of the Tolerance Indicators on a selected group of countries, assessing how tolerant they are both each individually and in comparison to one another: