Full PhD fellowship at CEU - Public Policy specialization

November 20, 2013

The Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations invites applications for the Public Policy specialization ('track') of the Doctoral Program in Political Science offered by Central European University (CEU), an English language graduate institution, located at the heart of Europe (Budapest).

The PhD Program in Political Science is accredited in the United States and offers five specializations: Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Economy, Political Theory, and Public Policy. It is one of the largest, most international and most competitive programs in Europe. Students, from over 30 countries, are supported by more than 35 faculty members. CEU is accredited in the United States and Hungary.

The Public Policy track prepares graduate students for careers in research or higher education institutions. It is very competitive and welcomes applications from graduates of Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Law, and other related disciplines.

The curriculum of the Public Policy track proposes a solid, comprehensive, and methodologically rigorous grounding in social science disciplines, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogues, and developing research skills, analytical abilities and substantive knowledge related to public policy, public administration and governance. It offers a strong comparative dimension and addresses the challenges posed by decentralization, globalization and privatization of governance structures and processes, to the design, delivery and evaluation of public policies.

The doctoral candidates are actively introduced to research networks in their field through participation in graduate conferences and major research projects. The Doctoral School collaborates with a number of research centers including the Center for Policy studies, Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, Center for Media and Communication Studies, Center for the Study of Imperfections in Democracies, Center for Environment and Security, Center for European Union Research and the Asia Research Initiative.

More information and inquiries

For further information on the Doctoral School’s academic programs and courses, specific entry requirements, and a list of faculty, visit the Doctoral School’s website or contact the Doctoral School at http://pds.ceu.hu; E-mail: ds@ceu.hu.

For further information on the Public Policy track, please contact Track Representative Dr. Martin Kahanec at kahanecm@ceu.hu, or PhD Coordinator Zoltan Wagner, at wagnerz@ceu.hu.

Call for application (Download)
