Interview with CPS Research Fellow Attila Bartha in the latest issue of "VOLUMEN – European Union and International Development" Newsletter

February 4, 2014

"VOLUMEN – European Union and International Development" is a newsletter discussing issues of international development in the context of current international and national politics.

In the interview Attila Bartha speaks about the Hungarian companies’ chances and presence in international development (page 13).

Attila Bartha has been a member of the recently completed research project “Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the New Member States: Trade Regimes, the Private Sector and the Civil Society as Development Actors", the purpose of which was to map out the existing development co-operation policies and strategies, examine the multilateral/bilateral agreements with the ODA recipient countries, and examine the role of the private sector and the civil society sector as development actors in nine countries. One of the outputs of this research, an interactive map illustrating the geographical coverage and the activities of the Hungarian development NGOs in the world in the past 5 years, is also featured in the VOLUMEN Newsletter (page 9).


"VOLUMEN – European Union and International Development" Newsletter in English – 6. issue 17-18., 2013. November (Download)

"VOLUMEN – Európai Unió és Nemzetközi Fejlesztés " Newsletter in Hungarian – 6. issue 17-18., 2013. November (Download)