Young Public Policy Makers Jamboree "Living out of stereotypes"

February 19, 2014

The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) is organizing a 3-day jamboree to initiate and encourage cooperation and networking, and to find a new informal way of thinking for young public policy professionals and future policy makers in the V4 region.

The new well-educated generation of professionals could be the key for change in the V4 region. They could participate in decision-makers' advisory teams, but there is a lack of cooperation between them. Therefore, this project aims to initiate and encourage cooperation and networking of young public policy professionals in the V4 region.

Overall objective

  • Initiate a new informal way of thinking for the young generation of future policy makers.

Specific objectives

  • Bring together young policy professionals to learn, share experiences, think "out of the box" for inspiration in dealing with public policy issues and be more open minded.
  • Help future young policy professionals to find solutions for complex public problems and issues from different perspectives by using different methods of identification.
  • Support potential young policy professionals to change their perception of policy making, come out of the shadows of policy stereotypes and find a pool of possibilities beyond traditional politics.
  • Develop the problem-solving process in public policy and administration for better outcomes of policy making.

Target group

The target group includes young public policy and administration professionals (represented in the project by MA and PhD students of Public Policy and Public Administration and new graduates of PA and PP who are in some way involved in public policy making).

Expected outputs

  • An e-publication, with a set of selected case studies, developed by participants in the jamboree, which could be utilised for educational activities by the project partner institutions and other NISPAcee member institutions within the V4 countries and beyond.
  • An informal network of young public policy and administration professionals from V4 countries for their future cooperation in problem solving cases in practice.

More information including the program available at

EXTENDED deadline for on-line applications: February 27, 2014
