Post-crisis transformations in governing Hungary and Turkey: challenging particularist perspectives

May 13, 2015

CPS Research Fellow Pinar Donmez is presenting her working paper co-authored with Eva Zemnadl at the conference 'Hungarian Particularism in the European Union: Politico-Legal Perspectives'. 

Date: 15 May 2015, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
CEU, Oktober 6. Street 7. Building, Room 102

The conference is organized jointly by the CEU Center for European Union Research and the MTA Lendulet-HPOPs Research Group.

The conference explores whether, from a legal and political perspective, the idea of a Hungarian 'Sonderweg' in the European Union actually makes sense. In particular, it examines whether a 'selective' understanding of EU obligations and other EU commitments – and, in general, the emphasis on national particularism in the European Union – has any public benefits. The conference revisits the general benefits and public importance of EU law, and the relevance of 'shared interests' behind the Treaty commitments on one hand, and the frameworks allowing and fostering Member State diversity in the EU, Member State practices of protectionism, exclusionism and particularism, on the other. Finally, it reflects on the consequences for good governance and administration where governments act under the scope of EU law.

Program (Download)