SOCCOH Final Conference
The two-year research project SOCCOH investigated the role of social capital and civil society in achieving the goals of development policy in Europe. The project was funded through the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission and was led by the European Institute of the London School of Economics. Specifically, the research looked at the relationship between social partnerships and improving levels of administrative capacity. Research was conducted in Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. CPS assembled a research team of six researchers (coming from CEU, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the University of Pecs, and the Eotvos Lorand University) to carry out background literature review and empirical fieldwork. The final reports were drawn up in fall 2007, and CPS was responsible for coordinating the Central European part of the comparative workpackage.
The project ended in January 2008 and its findings were presented and discussed at this conference.