The Training of National Advocates Defending and Representing the Rights of People Exposed to Disability Discrimination in Candidate Countries
Within the second phase of the EU Disabilty Discrimination project, the Center for Policy Studies hosted the 3-day training session in Budapest, Hungary, targeting mainly disability NGO activists and advocates, who are already engaged in working on disability rights issues. The EU Directive 2000/78/EC was used as the training framework, and participants become conversant with the disability discrimination aspects of the Directive and its practical effect on the laws of their States. Individual sessions addressed the following broad topics:
Introduction and Overview,
Direct Discrimination,
Indirect Discrimination,
Reasonable Accommodation,
Positive Action,
Individual Enforcement and Strategic Enforcement.
The workshop was held by legal experts in discrimination law from Ireland, the United Kingdom and Hungary. Sessions were conducted in English, with simultaneous translation available for Hungarian-speakers. Sign language interpreting was also provided.