Community-based health: the Red Cross Red Crescent's approach to building healthy and resilient communities
Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
The Public Health Research Group and the Center for Policy Studies
invite you to a presentation
Community-based health: the Red Cross Red Crescent's approach
to building healthy and resilient communities
Dr. Mahesh Gunasekara
Coordinator, Health & Care (Sri Lanka)
Branimir Knezevic
Learning and Organisational Development Coordinator (Serbia)
Flavia Pugliese
Youth Delegate (Italy)
The talk will include a brief introduction of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and an overview of the main health-related trends for Europe and Central Asia followed by a presentation on Community-based health, highlighting RCRC's role in the health field (including some selected examples of what National Societies have been doing).
For more information please contact