Priority setting and decision making in health care
CEU – CORVINUS Joint Health Policy Seminar Series
Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Miniconference Series 2015/6
The Department of Health Economics, Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
the Health Research Group and the Center for Policy Studies at Central European University
invite you to the workshop
The strained health care budgets and overstressed health systems have recently recognized the need for formalization of the priority setting processes worldwide. Currently, notions of cost-effectiveness take center stage in most systems with limited discussion for other aspects of decision making. The study "Priority Setting in health care" collected data on decision-makers' preferences for a set of equity and efficiency criteria in a discrete choice experiment in 16 countries. The survey enables us to explore the preferences of decision makers for different equity and efficiency attributes describing health care interventions and to rank interventions given these preferences. The workshop is going to discuss the most important results of the research project.
- Petra Baji, Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
- Laszlo Gulacsi, Head, Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
- Francesco Paolucci, Murdoch University, Australia, University of Bologna, Italy
- Manuel Garcia-Goni, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
- Emmanouil Mentzakis, University of Southampton, UK
Program (Download)