Sustainable employment: health indicators
Monday, April 25, 2016 - 1:40pm to 3:10pm
CEU – CORVINUS Joint Health Policy Seminar Series
Corvinus Health Policy and Health Economics Conference Series 2016/4
The CEU Health Research Group, the CEU Center for Policy Studies and
the Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
in cooperation with:
Health and Health Care Economics Section of the Hungarian Economic Association
Health Economics Study Circle, Corvinus University of Budapest
invite you to a presentation
Conference chairpersons:
- Prof. László Gulácsi, Petra Baji PhD, Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
- Prof. Niek Klazinga, Professor of Social Medicine at the Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam; OECD Senior Policy Advisor, OECD Paris; Doctor Honoris Causa, Corvinus University of Budapest
- Anikó Bíró, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest (funded by the postdoctoral fellowship program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Lecturer in Economics, The University of Edinburgh
- Prof. László Gulácsi, Professor and Head, Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
For more information please contact
Program (Download)