Migrants - Minorities - Educational Perspectives

October 30, 2009

Within the framework of EDUMIGROM, the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt is organizing a panel discussion on 'Migrants-Minorities-Education' on November 5, 2009.


Thursday, November 5th 2009, 5:00-6:30 pm

Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
Baseler Str. 27-31; 60329 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Meeting Hall, 4th floor


Two years have passed since the "European Year of  Equal Opportunities for All" was campaigned. Where do we stand today? In spite of great structural differences between the European nations, OECD studies reveal similar negative outcomes for certain groups of second-generation immigrants in the Western half of the continent and for Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. Members of these groups are less qualified, they face high risks of unemployment, experience social exclusion, and are hardly represented in the political public. The forum asks which role the education systems play in tackling these democratic deficits of integration. Experts from East- and West-European countries present their latest research and discuss how schools contribute to the educational perspectives which young people from these groups develop, and/or which chances they take. Presentations will be in English. Translation is offered during the discussion.


The Panel

  • Prof. Julia Szalai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest): Ethnic Differences in Education and Diverging Prospects for Urban Youth in an Enlarged Europe
  • Rainer Ohliger (Network Migration, Berlin):  Between Political Inclusion and Educational Exclusion? Immigrant Children in Germany’s Urban Schools
  • Prof. Claire Schiff (Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2): When National Minorities Become Local Majorities: the Effects of Segregation on the School Experiences of Disadvantaged Urban Youth in France
  • David Kostlan (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava): Do good students really feel more comfortable at school? Interpersonal relations, school performance and pupils' socio-economic background in Slovak Urban Schools
  • Dr. Botho von Kropp (German Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt): Educational Systems and Minorities in International Perspective

Moderation: Dr. Sabine Mannitz, HSFK

PRIF forum invitation