EDUMIGROM project represented in Brussels

November 11, 2010

"European pluralism: religions,tolerance and values" workshop includes EDUMIGROM.

Violetta Zentai represented the Ethnic Differences in Education project in this workshop organized on October 18-20, 2010, by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission in Brussels. This meeting brought together the representatives of the cluster of projects focusing on two key areas of policy concern at European level namely pluralism and religious diversity - social cohesion and integration in Europe, funded under the 6th and 7th Framework Programs.

Synthesis of discussions (Download)

As an output of the workshop, a cluster synopsis was also published by the European Commission, which provides an overview of 19 research projects dealing with ‘European pluralism, religions, tolerance and values’. The projects address issues such as the balance between individual and societal needs, notions of respect for otherness, and the role of pluralist societies in responding to increasing levels of diversity. The publication marks a first step in the process of supporting these projects to meet the policymaking challenges faced by European societies.