New publication: EDUMIGROM Final Study
'Contested Issues of Social Inclusion through Education in Multiethnic Communities across Europe', the final study of the three-year project EDUMIGROM has been published.
This study gives a comprehensive account of the major findings of the EDUMIGROM research project, a cross-country comparative endeavor addressing issues of ethnic differentiation in schools and their environments in multiethnic communities in nine member states of the European Union. The project aimed to reveal the factors and processes behind a most persistent trend in European education: the continuous production and reproduction of ethnic distinctions that unceasingly work to the detriment of youths from ethnic minority backgrounds. The research plan was built on knowledge gained from recent important studies about the disadvantages that children of one-time migrants suffer in education in Western Europe and about the harsh degradation of Roma in the school systems of Central and Eastern Europe. It was conceived, however, by recognising that comprehensive inquiries into how large-scale institutional arrangements for tackling ethnic diversity impact the workings of the educational systems in the prevailing welfare states, and further, how variations in the social perception of "ethnic otherness" affect daily life at schools have been surprisingly missing so far. This research was designed to address these issues by looking at schools through a comparative lens and focusing inquiries on how schools shape the positions and prospects of adolescents from second-generation and Roma backgrounds.
Contested Issues of Social Inclusion through Education in Multiethnic Communities across Europe (Download)
All working papers including the final study are available under publications. Go to publications