New publications: Policy recommendations in the domestic context

July 28, 2011

EDUMIGROM publishes its policy recommendations to deepen the discussions on policies that might enhance social inclusion of ethnic minority youth in education.

The nine policy recommendations were drafted by the country teams by using the country-specific findings of the EDUMIGROM research and by outlining a set of fundamental conclusions and recommendations with regard to the prevailing domestic
educational and welfare frameworks that designate the scope of mobility and determine the opportunities for social, economic, and political participation of minority youths.

Social Inclusion Through Education in the Czech Republic: Policy Recommendations.

Social Inclusion Through Education in Denmark: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in France: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in Germany: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in Hungary: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in Romania: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in Slovakia: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in Sweden: Policy Recommendations.  (Download)

Social Inclusion Through Education in the United Kingdom: Policy Recommendations. (Download)

All EDUMIGROM papers including the policy recommendations are available under publications. Go to publications