QUING - workshop and symposium dedicated to the issues of gender equality and gender-based violence policies in the EU

August 29, 2011

Two events were recently held connected to the Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies research initiative. A workshop jointly organized by UN Women and QUING was held in Bratislava on June 6, titled Experts’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Policy Responses to Violence against Women. On April 12-13, a symposium at Lancaster University dealt with gender-based violence policies in the EU.

The meeting with UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality the Empowerment of Women) was dedicated to discussing gender equality and policy responses to violence against women, with a geographical focus on South-Eastern Europe (Download the Program).

At the symposium at Lancaster University presentations were given by Magdalena Dabrowska, Zelia Gregoriu, Liz Kelly, Andrea Krizsan, Raluca Maria Popa, Lise Rolandsen Agustin, Sofia Strid, Mieke Verloo, and Sylvia Walby (Download the Abstracts).

