Experienced Researcher vacancy in Changing Employment project

August 6, 2013

The University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), the program coordinator of the ITN 'ChangingEmployment' network, is searching for an Experienced Researcher (ER) to be employed for the period of two years to undertake a program of research within Theme 2: Inclusion and Exclusion.

The person appointed will carry out research with Professor Paul Stewart on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded project on Changing Employment, with the specific project title "Inclusion, exclusion and precarious employment in Europe: the story so far from the UK, Belgium, France and Poland".

Topic Overview

Europe is today facing several major social and economic challenges. These go beyond the future of the euro and the instability of the financial system to some of the underlying issues concerned with the work and employment that underpin the European economy. How can Europe retain manufacturing and production as restructuring and relocation towards lower-wage costs economies gathers pace? As demographic change lifts the proportions of older workers in society and in employment, how can Europe both maintain decent levels of pensions and provide decent jobs for younger workers? As cross-border migration becomes ever easier how can migrant workers be fully integrated and accepted into the European labour market? How can aspirations for decent jobs be squared with the nearly pan-European progression of precarious work? Europe's future depends in large part on the answers it can provide to these questions within the context of the vision of an innovative economy bolstered by a high road social model that was captured in the Europe 2020 strategy. The aim of the ChangingEmployment ITN doctoral and post doctoral program is to train a cross-European and interdisciplinary network of policy-focused social scientists comprehensively skilled in understanding, analyzing, and responding to social and institutional employment changes. Overall, it will:

  1. Explore societal differences and national variations in employees' experiences of working life.
  2. Examine historic and changing relations between management and employees.
  3. Develop a comparative understanding of the changing quality of work, organisation and employment in the context of the (above) changes.
  4. Consider patterns and consequences of workplace inclusion-exclusion in relation to migration, employment and unemployment, shifting inequalities in terms of gender and ethnicity and the implications for older employees of new patterns of work and retirement.
  5. Assess impact of the current economic retrenchment on these forms of employment in Europe.

The Network

The Initial Training Network is coordinated by Strathclyde University, Glasgow, United Kingdom. The Network currently comprises: 12 Marie Curie Early Stage Researchers (ESR) and one Experienced Researchers (ER). Doctoral and Post Doctoral projects are located in one of the following themes:

  • Theme 1 - Management and Employees;
  • Theme 2 - Inclusion and Exclusion;
  • Theme 3 - Employee Wellbeing and Work Life Quality.

Application deadline: 28 August 2013

If you are shortlisted for interview this will take place during week commencing 23 September 2013 in University of Strathclyde. At the shortlist stage you will be asked to submit a written paper.

Further application information is available on the HR web-site (Post Ref - R75/2013): https://ben.mis.strath.ac.uk/vacancies/control/vacancylist?vacCat=R

Call for application (Download)
