Participation in ASSESS Research Project

February 13, 2014

The Center for Policy Studies (CPS) participates in ASSESS Research Project (Assessing Integration Measures for Vulnerable Migrant Groups) which monitors and assesses the effectiveness of integration measures for three vulnerable migrant groups – women, children and victims of trafficking.

The assessment aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the application of the Common Basic Principles on Migrant Integration when it comes to the integration of vulnerable migrant groups. In addition, it will serve to identify and initiate the exchange of good practice in the field between EU countries of different migration patterns, regimes and experiences. The project activities will be implemented in 18 months and will take place in ten EU Member States, five of them "old" Member States with considerable immigrant inflows (Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain) and five "new" Member States with "evolving" immigration patterns and regimes (Bulgaria, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia).


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