Review of Existing Monitoring Mechanisms for the Integration of Migrants in Hungary

September 25, 2014

A national report has been published by Vera Messing and Zsuzsanna Arendas in the frame of the ASSESS research project.

This report is developed in the context of the project Assessing Integration Measures for Vulnerable Migrant Groups (ASSESS) which aims to monitor and assesses the effectiveness of integration measures for vulnerable migrant groups in ten EU Member States. The present report is the outcome of a study conducted in the first phase of the ASSESS project which is focused on identifying of the existing monitoring and data collection mechanisms in the area of migrant integration in ten EU Member States. The findings of the ten national reports will serve the development of comparative report on the same topic and will aid the development of tailored methodology and specific indicators for monitoring the integration of vulnerable migrant groups in the EU.


Review of Existing Monitoring Mechanisms for the Integration of Migrants in Hungary (Download)


