ASSESS: Compendium of Promising Practices

May 6, 2015

A Compendium of Promising Practices – identifying and showcasing a series of promising practices in the field of different migration patterns, regimes and experiences across the participating countries – was produced in the framework of the ASSESS project.

This compendium identifies promising practices in the spheres of integration of vulnerable migrant groups – women, children, and victims of trafficking – and monitoring mechanisms that have been implemented in the ASSESS project partner countries which have potential of replication elsewhere. In so doing, this compendium seeks to contribute to the sharing of knowledge and experiences across the European Union. The compendium presents 10 promising practices, compiled from 10 Member States that represent the various historical and current migration patterns in the European Union.

Practices of integration can refer to a range of strategies, approaches, and activities that have a positive impact on migrants, including, but not limited to: laws, policies, initiatives, programs, and services, amongst others. They need not have the label ‘integration’ but need to have integrative effects that lead to greater cohesion, understanding and improved social outcomes of the migrant population together with the local population (such as anti-discrimination measures, inclusive school systems, access to counselling and social benefits, access to the labor market). The practices included in this compendium include both activities with a specific focus on integration as well as more general activities that have an impact on the integration of women, children or trafficked persons (as well as other vulnerable migrant groups, such as refugees, persons with disabilities, elderly migrants, or undocumented persons). These general activities reflect the need for ‘mainstreaming integration policies and measures in all relevant policy portfolios and levels of government and public services’ as reflected in Common Basic Principle (CBP) No. 10.

Practices of monitoring refer to on-going and periodical evaluations of integration measures that use specific indicators. Indicators can be focused on output or outcome (or a combination of two). Practices can be implemented by international, state, or non-state actors. They should enable a longitudinal comparison in terms of the area of interest. The aspect of monitoring is also required by the Common Basic Principles which states that: ‘developing clear goals, indicators and evaluation mechanism are necessary to adjust policy, evaluate progress on integration and to make exchange of information more effective.’ Beyond the evaluation of progress, ASSESS was interested in the monitoring of outcomes so that policies can be evaluated through an outcome based measure.

Compendium of Promising Practices (Download)

