Visions for Gender Equality

July 27, 2015

CPS Research Fellow Andrea Krizsan is among the researchers who contributed to the report published in the frame of the bEUcitizen project about what future gender equality policies should look like.

This report was prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Unit D2 'Equality between men and women', under the auspices of the European Network of Experts on Gender Equality (ENEGE).

This publication offers a range of perspectives on what has been achieved to date within the European Commission's current work programme for gender equality, the challenges that lie ahead, and possible priorities for policy action to stimulate change and accelerate progress in key areas. It will be used as a tool in guiding actions on gender equality on EU-level.

The editors of this collection of essays, Francesca Bettio and Silvia Sansonetti, asked the authors to reflect on what future gender equality policies should look like, in the light of achievements and gaps in past policies. The resulting essays by leading experts on gender equality, among which bEUcitizen resesearchers Trudie Knijn (WP9, WP10), Bridget Anderson (WP10) and Andrea Krizsan (WP9), address key issues such as the link between gender and economy, the development of gender equality policies and the needed priorities.

Visions for Gender Equality (Download)
