CPS research fellow advises on publication strategies and career options
CPS research fellow Sara Svensson participated in a round-table panel on publication strategies and career options organized by the CEU Doctoral School of Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy on October 27, 2017.
The time spent enrolled in a PhD program consists of much more than finishing an independent research project resulting in a dissertation; students seeking an academic career also need to identify relevant research communities and build networks within those, and decide about publication strategies without having full insight into the explicit and implicit expectations and possibilities of different academic employers. In line with the active involvement of CPS in the education and academic life of CEU PhD programs, CPS research fellow Sara Svensson contributed to a panel on this topic. The panel consisted of Wade Jacoby, Mary Lou Fulton Professor of political science at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, Laszlo Bruszt Professor at the Department of Political Science at CEU and Sara Svensson. Student questions included themes like quantity versus quality when it comes to journal articles, the value of job market papers and book reviews, and how to navigate publishing with interdisciplinary research topics. While encouraging students to make plans, in her interventions, Sara Svensson emphasized the work-life dimension of career choices and the role that serendipity often plays in publication trajectories.