Policy and politics in times of crisis – call to develop post-doc fellowship proposals
The Center for Policy Studies at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) is searching for an experienced researcher of any nationality interested in developing a collaborative MSCA Individual Fellowship application within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 scheme. Further information about the scheme and eligibility: H2020-MSCA-IF-2018.
The goal of MSCA IF is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers (post-doctoral or with 4 years of equivalent research experience) wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and potentially intersectoral mobility. The research proposal can cover 12-24 months in scope and the EU grant provides a salary allowance, as well as generous funds to cover living, travel, and family costs. The grant also provides coverage for research and fieldwork expenditures. Applicants may not have resided, worked, or studied in Hungary for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the call deadline (12/09/2015 - 12/09/2018). The researcher and mentor from CEU CPS will develop the project proposal jointly with the candidate, and the proposal will be submitted by CEU CPS as the host organization.
We are looking for experienced researchers interested to develop a project proposal in the field of policy and politics in times of crisis:
- Struggles for social justice
Contacts: Violetta Zentai (zentaiv@ceu.edu),
Andrea Krizsan (krizsana@ceu.edu)
- European governance of equality and social issues
Contacts: Andrea Krizsan (krizsana@ceu.edu),
Violetta Zentai (zentaiv@ceu.edu)
- Social policy and welfare regimes
Contacts: Julia Szalai (szalaij@ceu.edu),
Vera Messing (messingv@ceu.edu)
- Territorial justice
Contacts: Andrew Cartwright (cartwrighta@ceu.edu),
Sara Svensson (svenssons@ceu.edu)
Researchers who wish to cooperate with CEU CPS for the submission of a project proposal under this scheme should check that they fulfil the respective eligibility criteria and then send the following materials by email to jakobsl@ceu.edu:
- Academic CV (with a list of publications);
- Outline/summary of their research proposal;
- A recently published article or book chapter;
- A short cover letter outlining how a Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship will advance their career.
The deadline for submission is June 17, 2018.
Proposals will be pre-selected based on internal evaluation and the availability of suitable mentoring/supervision. Candidates will be informed of the results of the pre-selection by June 25, 2018. The CEU CPS will support two candidates and help develop a project proposal. Submission deadline for the MSC Actions: September 12, 2018.
Call for Expressions of Interest (Download)