Spring School ‘Vulnerable groups on the labour market’

January 29, 2019

The Spring School is organized by the AISSR, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands between 1-5 April 2019.

General information

The Spring School will combine lessons on substantive topics in the mornings with methodological workshops in quantitative methods in the afternoons. Participants will be encouraged to present their own research to receive feedback from senior researchers. The Spring School targets early career scholars (PhD students/postdocs/early-stage researchers) with basic (multivariate regression) or advanced quantitative training.


In “risk” or “uncertain” societies, vulnerability is a growing concern for individuals, political leaders, and academics. The European Commission describes vulnerable groups as groups that experience a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than the general population. These groups include for instance ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, those struggling with substance abuse but also sexual minorities and younger people. All of them often face difficulties that can lead to further social exclusion, such as low levels of education and unemployment or underemployment.

Against this background, the Spring School will focus on identifying the (combinations) of individual-level characteristics that predict the extent to which people are in a vulnerable labour market position. It employs an intersectional perspective to measuring vulnerability and pays particular attention to the identification of vulnerable groups in different European datasets. Moreover, the Spring School aims to offer participants an overview of causes and consequences of belonging to a ‘vulnerable’ group on labour outcomes. It will also provide a clear understanding of how to identify and analyze vulnerable groups over time and across countries. In addition, the topic will be approached from a political and organizational perspective by introducing and discussing solutions and best practices in Europe.

Information for applicants

The Spring School targets early career scholars (PhD students/postdocs/early-stage researchers) with basic (multivariate regression) or advanced quantitative training. Requirements for attending the summer school are mastering of STATA software to participate in the practical exercises.

Participation to this summer school is free of charge. Accepted participants will receive reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs in accordance with the limits established in the InGRID2 rules and regulations. Further practical information will be given later.

The deadline for application is 22 February 2019. Participants will be selected on the basis of a short statement of motivation, an abstract of a paper/research task related to the topic of the summer school and their CV. They will be informed on 01 March 2019.

More information is available here.
