One Question: Open Borders
February 1, 2019
CPS Researcher Celine Cantat is among the leading thinkers who were asked by the State of nature blog to answer briefly the question of the month: What is the Left case for open borders?
Responses were also given by:
- Tithi Bhattacharya, Professor of History at Purdue University;
- Joseph Carens, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto;
- Harald Bauder, Professor of Immigration and Settlement Studies at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, and Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany;
- Parvathi Raman, Founding Chair, SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies;
- Viewpoint Magazine Editorial Collective;
- Sandro Mezzadra, Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Bologna;
- Justin Akers Chacon, Professor of Chicana/o Studies based in San Diego, California;
- Carol Farbotko, Member of the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia;
- Christine Leuenberger, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University (Ithaca);
- Paolo Novak, Lecturer in the Development Studies department at SOAS, University of London;
- Dalia Abdelhady, Associate Professor in Sociology at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University;
- Alex Sager, Associate Professor of Philosophy and University Studies at Portland State University;
- Michael Huemer, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder;
- Nandita Sharma, Associate Professor of Racism, Migration and Transnationalism in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
You can read the post on the State of nature website here.