Call for papers: Special issue “School-to-Work Transition of Vulnerable Youth in Times of Crisis"

July 21, 2021

Abel Beremenyi (Central European University) and Xavier Rambla (Autonomous University of Barcelona), editors of the special issue invite contributions to the 'School-to-work transition of vulnerable youth in times of crisis”' issue in Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado.

Abstract submission: September 12, 2021

Special Issue Information

The main focus of the special issue is the school/training to work transition (STWT) among vulnerable youth, In particular, it will focus on young people from ethno-cultural minorities, immigrant backgrounds, racialized groups, and/or with experiences of social exclusion, in the context of two crises, the financial crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic, and their effects in Europe and Latin America. The special issue aims at analyzing the diversity of structural, institutional, and social aspects that crises have had on STWT conditions, and the experiences lived and responses developed by the young people facing these new challenges.

We call for empirical-theoretical contributions addressing this area of research and emphasising the perspectives of young people and relevant stakeholders (institutions, agents). Comparative reflections are particularly welcome.

The manuscripts are expected to be guided, though not exlusively, by the following questions:

  • With what programmes and interventions do educational/training institutions influence a better STWT of young people in these conditions? How have these been modified in the last decade?
  • How are active labour market policies (ALMP) linked to compulsory school and post-secondary training and how do these links affect STWT of young people? (internships, second chance programmes, insertion programmes, etc.)
  • How have crises and their impact increased the diversity of STWT patterns in different contexts and populations?
  • What dilemmas appear between the choice and the structural/institutional imperatives along the STWT of young people in different contexts and populations? (e.g., choice biographies vs. risk biographies)
  • How do young people interpret crisis and their training and labour market opportunities? To what extent do they accept them or do they try to transform them? What alternative aspirations do they hold for their future?
  • Do—and if so, how do—young people value education, training, employment, social services and other policies (e.g., health, safety, family) that intervene in these circumstances? And how do they engage them in their adaptive strategies of STWT?

Abstract submission: September 12, 2021
Date of publication: October, 2022

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