
Blog: The Polish Question and the EU’s Illiberal Populism Dilemma

The TransCrisis project blog post is about the illiberal populism dilemma, authored by Martin Lodge, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the Department of Government and Director of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Nick Sitter, research affiliate at CPS and professor at the School of Public Policy.

Blog: Best practices of communicating the European Cohesion Policy in Slovenia

A new blog post has been published in the Cohesify project (The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification) blog by Marko Lovec, visiting research fellow at CPS.

Blog: Policy schools in the age of identity politics

December 22, 2017

TransCrisis blog piece co-authored by Nick Sitter, CPS research affiliate and SPP professor

Blog: Children in Hungarian state care: A blessing or a curse?

December 6, 2017

* Reflections from Zsuzsanna Vidra, Research Fellow at Central European University's CEU Center for Policy Studies *

Blog: A regional development without regions? What makes Cohesion policy in Slovenia specific is the fact that regions as administrative or political units do not exist

November 27, 2017

A new blog post has been published in the Cohesify project (The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification) blog by Marko Lovec, visiting research fellow at CPS.

Regions in Slovenia