CPS News

New Publication on European Neighbourhood Policy

December 5, 2011

Andrey Demidov and Sara Svensson co-authored a policy brief "Friendly Neighbours: Increasing the Potential of European Neighbourhood Policy Cross-Border Cooperation Initiatives"  that was released by PASOS network at their annual conference “Democracy, Partnership, Enlargement – Challenges for Europe, Challenges for the Polish EU Presidency” in Warsaw (November 25, 2011). 

Youth and Extremism Symposium

Dr. Vera Messing took part in the Youth and Extremism Symposium in Budapest (November 28-30, 2011) drawing attention to the EDUMIGROM research results.

New Publication on Dynamics of European Migration

November 18, 2011

The Center for Policy Studies publishes a new policy research report "Dynamics of European migration. A comparative assessment of Croatia, Bulgaria and Hungary" by Blagovesta Chonkova, Andras Horvath and Gorana Misic.

Ex-post evaluation of LEADER+ program

October 12, 2011

The Center for Policy studies participated in a project that evaluated the LEADER+ program for the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

EDUMIGROM published in new online journal

The Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences published a new online journal at www.socio.hu. The first issue includes an article summarizing the "Ethnic Differences in Education" (EDUMIGROM) project led by the Center for Policy Studies at CEU.