In the Media

Végy egy maszkos rendőrt, és mindenki rettegni kezd // Take a masked policeman and everyone begins to dread

November 2, 2015

The Hungarian online portal 'Abcúg' published an article about the Hungarian government's campaign on the refugee situation and qouted a study written by CPS research affiliate Vera Messing and MTA TK researcher Bernáth Gábor.

Hungary is at the Forefront of Human Trafficking / Élen járunk emberkereskedésben

August 31, 2015

The Hungarian daily Népszava published an article online and in hard copy about human trafficking and it referred to the findings of the CONFRONT Project as well.

Poverty in Hungary

June 8, 2015

CPS Researcher Vera Messing was invited to the TV program 'Magyarul Baloval' to talk about poverty in Hungary.

Megalázott gyerekek - Emberkereskedelem Magyarországon

February 6, 2015

The Hungarian daily Népszava published an article online and in hard copy based on an interview with CPS Research Fellow Zsuzsanna Vidra discussing the findings of the CONFRONT Project.

Radio talk on Child Trafficking in Hungary

January 27, 2015

In the Kapocs Program of the Civil Radio CPS Research Fellow Zsuzsanna Vidra together with Noémi Katona and Viktória Sebhelyi discussed about child trafficking and the role of different institutions in child protection based on the findings of the CONFRONT research project.