European Union Measures for the Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups: An Overview

May 4, 2015

A report providing an overview of the most important developments at European Union level regarding the integration of women, children and trafficked persons has been finalized in the framework of the ASSESS project.

This document is intended as a supplement to the ten national reports, comparative report and compendium of promising practices, which have been developed as part of the ASSESS project which monitors and assesses the effectiveness of integration measures for three vulnerable migrant groups – women, children and victims of trafficking. The aim of this overview is to provide stakeholders at the national level, policy makers, researchers and NGOs, an outline of the key European Union (EU) instruments and provisions regarding the integration of women, children and trafficked persons. It is intended to provide readers a quick and concise overview of what legislative and policy measures exist on European level. It does not purport to provide a critical analysis of the European instruments, but rather, it simply provides anyone interested with a guide of where to start looking for more information, and anyone interested in the issues, with a context in which the national legislative, policy and practice developments take place.

European Union Measures for the Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups: An Overview (Download)

