'Vulnerability of Roma' and Anti-Human Trafficking Policies in Serbia: Recommendations to the National Policy Network

July 17, 2015

A policy brief has been published by CPS Junior Researcher Jelena Jovanovich as an outcome of research on the anti-trafficking policy discourse on the 'vulnerability of Roma' in Serbia.

Anti-trafficking policy discourse is a generalized term and it includes both discourses of the interviewed national anti-trafficking policy actors and discourses of the analyzed national strategic policy documents. In the framework of the research, interviews were conducted with fifteen policy actors in Serbia in December 2014. Selected interviewees were ones who have (or have had until recently) a direct impact on the anti-trafficking policy making and implementation: representatives from non-governmental organizations, state bodies and intergovernmental organizations. The fieldwork also included interviews with a social policy researcher and Romani activists whose inputs were of great importance because of the specificity of the topic.

'Vulnerability of Roma' and Anti-Human Trafficking Policies in Serbia: Recommendations to the National Policy Network (Download)
