Végy egy maszkos rendőrt, és mindenki rettegni kezd // Take a masked policeman and everyone begins to dread

November 2, 2015

The Hungarian online portal 'Abcúg' published an article about the Hungarian government's campaign on the refugee situation and qouted a study written by CPS research affiliate Vera Messing and MTA TK researcher Bernáth Gábor.

The Abcug article is available (in Hungarian) online here: http://abcug.hu/vegy-egy-maszkos-rendort-es-mindenki-rettegni-kezd/

The study titled 'Bedarálva' by Vera Messing and Bernáth Gábor can be found (in Hungarian) here: http://www.mediakutato.hu/cikk/2015_04_tel/01_menekultek_moralis_panik.pdf

